domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

3D Printing Post

Mobile phone stands

You can see our stand here.

You should vote us because the following reasons:

-Is easy to print
-You can put several mobiles with different measures
-You can keep the headphones inside of it

Something cool

We have found this

We should print this because:

-Is easy to print
-Is awesome
-Is also a keychain so its useful

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

How Internet has changed our lifes?

Nowadays we use Internet almost everyday, and you can do almost everything you can think of. For example whenever you use your mobile phone for chatting you are connected. Also many videogames today require an online connection to work. 
What´s more it has become an essential part of our lifes and allows us to do lots of things much easier, here we are going to talk about how it affects 3 examples of tasks of our daily life.

Sending photos

Long time ago, people only could send or receive letters or pictures by post. This had many disadvantages such as the time it took to reach the destination or the possibility that it could be harmed during the travel. When the email was invented this was much easier as people was able to send data whithout moving from their homes at the moment withour having to wait a long time until it arrived.

Setting an apointment with friends

Before the creation of Internet whenever we wanted to get together with some friends we had to decide the place and the time beforehand. But this causes that if someone could not go you would not know. But with Internet you could comunicate with them instantly and tell them if you can o cant go.

Comparing prices and buying

Before Internet the only way we had to do this was going from shop to shop looking for the best price and wasting a lot of time on it. But nowadays it is much easier because you can compare more prices from more different websites in less amount of time. Another thing is that what you buy can be send to your home. The bad thing is that there are frauds which make you lose your money. 

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Code Red Malware

Resultado de imagen de code red
The Code Red was a informatic worm which apeared on 13 July 2001. This type of malware infected all the devices which used the Microsoft´s Operative System, entering in 360,000 computers in one day and between 1 and 2 million in total. This resulted in an estimated cuantity of $2.75 billion in clean-up costs.

What the worm did was using a vulnerability known as 'buffer overflow' in a file called IDQ.DLL. First, It inserted a large number of the character 'n',Then, it collapsed, so the worm was able to enter the computer and infect it from its inside.

This is an explame of an infected file^ 

When the virus was inside it searched for the file C:/NOTWORM, which he created before infecting computers,and looked for computers in English. When he found one with this two requirements he stay in the computer waiting for the infection to extend. The worm created 100 threads what make the server collapses so it have to restart. At a specific moment it made an attack of negation of the service to the direction, sending lots of trash, making the communication channels to collapse. Another thing the virus could do is use the threads for causing instability and the fall of the server.
The solution to eliminate temporally the worm from a computer was restarting it, but in order to not being infected again some patches had to be installed from the Microsoft website. The person who fixed it was called Kenneth D. Eichman and was invited to the White House after this.

Here you can see the message that appeared on the computer after being infected

Interesting Facts:

-It is thought that the man who discovered the virus give it this name because is his favourite drink.(Mountain Dew, Code Red)

-This worm is actually the first worm with his own novel (to know more about it click here)

-Is believed that the worm originated in Makati City, Philippines (the same origin as the Love letter worm)

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Interesting Facts

 The extrange case of a Texas´ girl who sneezes 12.000 times a day

One day, Katelyn Thornley began to sneeze and she hasn´t stopped yet. 

6 different doctors have tried to help her although nobody could say exactly why this happen. Their conclusions were, firstly, that she had cold or a type of strong allergy. However one neurologist said that this was caused by tics.

She actually sneezes 20 times a minute, and 12,000 times a day. Due to this fact, the 12-year-old girl cannot go to her school or even to eat in a properly way.
You can see here an interview with Katelyn

One of the explanations this could have is the Tourette´s syndrome. A type of disease that makes the pacient to have short sudden tics or even to produce different sounds (vocal tics).

"I'm constantly in pain with my abdomen" she said, " I dont care what they do, i just want it to stop"

Mini Rage Face Happy Smiley